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Root Canal Therapy in Suwanee

Root canal therapy becomes necessary when a neglected cavity reaches all the way to the pulp at the center of the tooth, causing the pulp to become infected. Trauma, like a serious injury, can also cause deep damage to the nerve of a tooth, and can require root canal therapy to reverse the damage.

A root canal is performed to clean out the infected tooth pulp and disinfect the canals of the tooth. The only other treatment would be to extract the tooth, which we aim to prevent from happening. Once the infection is resolved, the canal is filled to prevent any further infection. Dental crowns are usually recommended to cover and restore a tooth after root canal therapy. There may be times when our dentists refer you to a root canal specialist. You can schedule an initial consultation with our team by calling (770) 224-0410.


Causes & Symptoms of Root Canals

Symptoms of an infected pulp may include sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, swelling, pain with biting or pressure, and a bad taste in the mouth. Sometimes, however, there are no symptoms, and you are unaware of any problem until your dentist performs your biannual checkup. Many people assume that because the crown of the tooth is undamaged, then the pulp underneath it must be healthy as well, but this is not always the case. The crown of your tooth can look completely normal and healthy while the pulp on the inside is dying and becoming deeply infected.

With trauma, the pulp of the tooth becomes infected and the infection starts to eat away at the surrounding bone. This is known as an abscess. By the time the pulp is infected, it must be treated with root canal therapy and cannot heal on its own. The infection can weaken the body’s entire immune system making it very dangerous and painful.
Suwanee Center for Family Dentistry provides restorative work for patients of all ages, and our root canal treatments are personalized based on your needs. We’ll help figure out and correct the issue as affordably and conveniently as possible.

Root Canal Procedure

When you go to get your root canal, your dentist will give you a numbing paste on your gums before administering a mild anesthetic injected into your gums. The anesthesia does not put you to sleep but rather keeps you from feeling any pain or other sensations during the procedure.

The dentist will then create a small incision at the top of the tooth in order to clean out the pulp of the infected tooth. Our team will also clean out the canals of the tooth so the infection does not set back in after the procedure.

After the pulp and canals are clean and free of infection, your dentist will put a sealant on the tooth to close up the opening. Antibiotics will most likely be prescribed to make sure the infection is completely gone. This also ensures the tooth does not become infected again while you heal. Your dentist will want to see you for one to two more follow-up appointments after the root canal therapy is completed to make sure the tooth is healing well.

Contact Suwanee Family Dentistry Today!

If you think you may be experiencing root canal symptoms, give Suwanee Family Dentistry a call today to get the affected tooth examined by one of our dentists. Our experienced dental team will examine your teeth, mouth and gums for infection or damage.

Our practice provides comprehensive, affordable dental care to families in the Buford, Sugar Hill and Suwanee areas. At Suwanee Family Dentistry, we know that required dental work can be a financial burden at times. Root canal therapy costs can vary, but if your insurance does not cover as much of the medical bill as you were expecting, or if it exceeds your budget, give our office a call at (770) 224-0410.  When you call, our team will be happy to discuss payment options and accepted insurance providers with you.

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