Oral Surgery

Some dental issues require oral surgery. In many cases, you go to see a general dentist, and when they realize you need surgery, they refer you to an endodontist, a periodontist, or another type of surgical specialist. That can become time consuming and potentially expensive.

At Suwanee Center for Family Dentistry,  we take care of all your oral surgery needs at our clinic.

Treatments Performed by an In-House Oral Surgeon at Suwanee

At our comprehensive dental practice, you can receive state-of-the-art treatments and procedures from an experienced, highly-trained oral surgeon. The team at Suwanee Family Dental is fully-equipped to perform high-quality, stress-free oral surgery in-house, so you won’t need to visit additional specialists to complete your treatment plan. We’re here to make you comfortable every step of the way, and we guarantee you’ll love our results. To learn more about the oral surgery procedures we perform, check out the lists below.

Tooth Extractions

One of the most common procedures carried out by an oral surgeon is the successful removal of problematic teeth that, if left unattended, may cause a number of future dental issues for a patient. Most often, an extraction is performed when a tooth has shown signs of damage due to breakage, decay or infection. In addition, if a patient is unhappy with the aesthetic look of their teeth for any reason, they may be extracted and replaced with cosmetic dental implants to create a brighter, more beautiful smile.

This routine form of oral surgery can save you from disease and infection, and can also help improve your appearance with the help of excellent cosmetic dentistry. To learn more about the procedures performed by our experienced oral surgeons, call our comprehensive practice at (770) 224-0140  or schedule an appointment with us online.

Removal Of Wisdom Teeth

Between the ages of 17 and 25, your third molars, commonly referred to as wisdom teeth, develop and appear in your mouth. Wisdom teeth are the last of your teeth to develop, and they emerge during the appropriately-named “age of wisdom.”

Because wisdom teeth usually erupt last, there often isn’t enough room remaining in the mouth for them to fit easily. Without adequate space, problems with the wisdom teeth can occur. They may only partially erupt, come in sideways, or become impacted – meaning, they become confined in their socket, incapable of normal eruption. Because there is a great likelihood that significant problems will occur, oral surgeons often recommend teenagers and young adults have them removed.

Our in-house oral surgeon can make an assessment of a patient’s wisdom teeth by examining them visually and by using panoramic digital X-rays to determine the status of the teeth below the gum line in context with the surrounding teeth. If he determines that proper eruption is improbable, he will discuss treatment options with you, which may include oral surgery or traditional extraction. Wisdom teeth removal doesn’t have to be inconvenient or uncomfortable. The out-patient procedure usually takes an hour or two.

  • How Serious is an Impacted Wisdom Tooth? Nine out of 10 people have had at least one impacted tooth, which is a tooth that is unable to break through the gums and appropriately join the rest of your teeth due to a lack of space. Oral surgeons recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth, as they may harm neighboring teeth or cause an infection. In general, the third molar area of the mouth, where wisdom teeth appear, is hard to reach while brushing, so it is a prime spot for bacteria to grow and potentially cause gum disease. In addition, these oral bacteria can travel from your mouth into your bloodstream, causing possible systemic infections that can lead to issues in your heart, kidneys or other vital organs. There is good news, however. Research has shown that although persistent and/or progressive periodontal disease may be diagnosed and established in the third molar area, the issue may be alleviated through simple oral surgery or extraction of the problematic teeth. 
  • Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed if They Haven’t Caused Problems? It is a common misconception that if you are not experiencing pain when your wisdom teeth are growing in, that you need not worry about their condition. However, even if you are pain-free and your third molars have erupted normally, you may still experience complications in the future. These teeth are especially prone to disease, according to research conducted by oral surgeons in the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation. Conversely, if you beat the statistics and your wisdom teeth are completely erupted, painless, cavity-free and functioning in a hygienic environment of happy gums and healthy neighboring teeth, oral surgery or extraction may not be necessary. In any case, your dentist or oral surgeon should monitor the status of your wisdom teeth annually when you arrive for a check-up.
  • When Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed? Most oral surgeons recommend patients have their wisdom teeth removed not long after they have erupted, usually during the late teen years. When a patient is younger, the roots to the wisdom teeth are not fully-developed, which makes it easier to extract a tooth or perform oral surgery. This is because the surrounding bone is softer and more malleable, lessening the chances of damage to nearby structures. However, when a patient ages, is it harder and more complicated to remove the wisdom teeth, as the roots of the teeth have fully developed, encompassing nerves and a harder bone structure, which can be damaged during extraction.
  • What Happens During Surgery? If your dentist or another trusted healthcare professional recommends the extraction of your wisdom teeth, you will be referred to an oral surgeon. Before undergoing surgery, you and your oral surgeon will discuss the upcoming procedure, so take this time to express any concerns you might have or to ask questions. Be sure to tell your dentist of any known medications you may be taking or of any illnesses you may have. The position of each tooth, as well as each tooth’s current development, will determine how easy it is to remove your wisdom teeth. In the event that your wisdom tooth is impacted, oral surgery may be more difficult. Usually, when these teeth are removed, there is little to no pain due to local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Your oral surgeon will help determine the best anesthetic option for you.
  • What Happens After Surgery? Some swelling and slight discomfort is normal shortly following surgery. In most cases, oral surgeons prescribe medication to alleviate pain and recommend cold compresses to help decrease swelling. Your oral surgeon may also recommend modifying your diet to liquid foods for a period of time, and you will be advised when it is appropriate to consume normal, solid foods again.
  • What if I Decide to Keep my Wisdom Teeth? If, after discussing the condition of your wisdom teeth with your dentist or oral surgeon, you decide to forego extraction, you should be especially diligent in your dental hygiene routine of proper brushing and flossing in order to keep your third molars and the rest of your mouth healthy. Be sure to have your teeth regularly examined to monitor any changes. If you have any questions about wisdom teeth or oral surgery, call (770) 224-0140  to speak with the experts at Suwanee Center for Family Dentistry.

Placement Of Dental Implants

Dentists use dental implants to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or to anchor dentures. Dental implant surgery involves placing a tiny titanium post in the lower or upper jaw that will function as the root portion of a missing tooth. The titanium’s biocompatible properties will cause the implanted post to fuse with the jaw bone and create a sturdy anchor for a replacement tooth that will be placed later on. As pioneers of the implementation of dental implants just 25 years ago, oral surgeons are still the leaders in executing the most up-to-date techniques to bring about the best results for patients. Your oral surgeon is specialized in the best practices to achieve the ultimate desired results through procedures such as the following:

  • Immediate loading allows for extraction of teeth and the placement of implants with crowns in just one visit.
  • Bone grafting is the process of moving bits of bone to affected areas where little to no bone exists due to injury or bone loss from aging. See below for more information.
  • A sinus lift is a specific bone grafting operation that accommodates an inadequate upper jaw. If you’d like to learn more about dental implants, or would like to speak with an oral surgeon at Suwanee Center for Family Dentistryl, call (770) 224-0140  or contact us online.

Bone Grafts To Replace Missing Or Weakened Bone

To treat the effects of disfiguring gum disease, certain cancers, congenital conditions or other dental trauma, oral surgery is sometimes required. If the jaw bone has been weakened in a particular area, our in-house oral surgeon can perform a bone graft to strengthen weakened bone tissue and prepare the jaw for a successful dental implant. During the procedure, Dr. Shahriari will replace missing bone tissue and stimulate new bone tissue to grow, which will enable the jaw to successfully anchor a dental implant.

If you’re interested in learning more about this oral surgery procedure, call our comprehensive practice at (770) 224-0140  or schedule an appointment online to meet with an in-house oral surgeon. We’re located in Suwanee, GA and serve the surrounding areas.

Removal Of Oral Cysts And Tumors

If you have any unusual bumps or lumps on your gums or on the soft tissue of your mouth, oral surgeons can determine if they are potentially cancerous. Oral tumors and cysts are usually painless lumps and bumps found in the mouth or on the gums filled with either fluid or tissue cells. Both have the potential to be cancerous, although oral tumors are more likely to be malignant than cysts.

If you are diagnosed with an oral tumor or cyst, the dentist will usually perform a biopsy, taking a small tissue sample for analysis. Your dentist will then determine if the cyst or tumor is malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous) and will recommend the appropriate treatment. In some cases, the dentist will recommend oral surgery to remove a non-cancerous tumor or cyst if it may become cancerous in the future or if it has the potential to interfere with your teeth or bone structure.

Want to talk to an oral surgeon about cysts, oral tumors or any other dental issues? Call (770) 224-0140  or contact our practice online to schedule an appointment with our specialists.

What Does an Oral Surgeon Do?

Here are some of the procedures and treatments your oral surgeon is trained to perform:

  • Reconstructive Oral Surgery
  • Oro-Facial Pain Treatment
  • Treatment of Facial Infections
  • Lesion Removal and Biopsy
  • Treatment and Prevention of Oral Pathologies

Due to their lengthy and thorough education and training, oral surgeons are referred to as “surgical specialists” in the dental field. Oral surgeons have the experience and expertise to treat many dental conditions, defects and injuries, striving to improve the aesthetics and functionality of a patient’s mouth, teeth, jaw and face through each procedure. At Suwanee Center for Family Dentistry, patients who are experiencing certain dental problems will meet with our general dentists to assess their problems and are then referred to a trusted oral surgeon, conveniently located in-house.

Ready to Make An Appointment?

Do you need oral surgery? Do you need a general dentistry checkup? At the Suwanee Center for Family Dentistry, we offer a huge range of dental treatments, and we’re happy to see everyone in your family.

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